Red Carpet of South Georgia, Inc.


What kind of organization is Red Carpet of South Georgia, Inc.?

The Red Carpet of South Georgia, Inc. is operated as a nonprofit corporation under the provisions of the Georgia Nonprofit Corporation Code. The Corporation is a voluntary association of individuals the purposes of which, as set forth in the articles of incorporation, are exclusively religious, charitable, educational, scientific and literary within the meaning of sections 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.  The Corporation was organized, and at all times shall be operated, to serve the needs and interests of the general public, both within and without the State of Georgia (including foreign countries).

What are the expectations for the Board of Directors?

Each Director shall be a voting member of the Corporation. Each Director shall be required to sponsor at least one (1) Red Carpet party per year.

What are the expectations for Sponsors?

Each Sponsoring Member shall be required to sponsor at least one (1) party per year at a cost disclosed at the start of the calendar year. The Sponsoring Member shall not have voting privileges.

Does the Red Carpet of South Georgia, Inc. hold an annual meeting?

A regular annual meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held during the first calendar quarter of each year. 

Who are the Charter Members of Red Carpet of South Georgia, Inc.?

Ron Wilson, Tim Harris, Michael Jetter, Randall Crews, Steve Quinn, Lee McArthur, Ty O’Steen, Chuck Roberts, Tim Keller, Lu Williams, Wendy Byrd and Randall Hicks.

If you have any additional questions, please email us at