What We Do

Since 1965, we have served the Moody Air Force Base community in South Georgia.

Our Mission

Utilizing a conduit of dedicated business professionals and community members, Red Carpet of South Georgia is committed to maintaining a source of hospitality, event enhancement and achievement recognition to our Moody Air Force Base community. To provide resources required to maintain and improve Moody’s value to South Georgia by strengthening and enhancing our military/community relationships. Continue to foster a feeling of home to all active and retired military members and their families.  

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”

— Arthur Ashe

Recent Accomplishments

  • Purchased 6 bikes for airmen to assist with the Bicycles for Airmen initiative

  • Funding donation requests from Moody AFB airmen through a new application-based process

  • Provided funding and assisted with the Hearts Apart Holiday Dinner

  • Provided gift donations for the annual Angel Tree program at Moody AFB to support families in need

  • Awarded 2 W. Parker Greene Memorial Scholarships to Airmen at Moody AFB

  • Provided funding and assisted with the Hearts Apart Thanksgiving Drive Thru

  • Hosted 3 Red Carpet dinners to welcome new officers and leadership team members

  • Provided funding for five airmen as part of the Home for the Holidays initiative at Moody AFB